I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history. ~Morgan Freeman
I think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing. ~Tori Amos
The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. ~John F. Kennedy
A human life is a story told by God. ~Hans Christian Andersen

If your children spend most of their time in other people's houses, you're lucky; if they all congregate at your house, you're blessed. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. ~Booker T. Washington

Renew your passions daily. ~Terri Guillemets

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. ~John De Paola
If I can't have too many truffles I'll do without. ~Colette
It's a good idea to begin at the bottom in everything except in learning to swim. ~Author Unknown

The question of common sense is always what is it good for? - a question which would abolish the rose and be answered triumphantly by the cabbage. ~James Russell Lowell
Few speeches which have produced an electrical effect on an audience can bear the colourless photography of a printed record. ~Archibald Philip Primrose
On the bathing-tub of King T'ang the following words were engraved: "If you would one day renovate yourself, do so from day to day. Yea, let there be daily renovation." ~Confucian Analects
A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. ~Barry Goldwater
A trembling in the bones may carry a more convincing testimony than the dry documented deductions of the brain. ~Llewelyn Powers
I'm not a bad guy! I work hard, and I love my kids. So why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I'm going to hell? ~The Simpsons by Matt Groening, spoken by the character Homer Simpson

I have memories - but only a fool stores his past in the future. ~David Gerrold
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. ~Robert Benchley
What was most significant about the lunar voyage was not that men set foot on the moon but that they set eye on the earth. ~Norman Cousins
Cats are the ultimate narcissists. You can tell this because of all the time they spend on personal grooming. Dogs aren't like this. A dog's idea of personal grooming is to roll on a dead fish. ~James Gorman
Our moral theorists seem never content with the normal. Why must it always be a contest between fornication, obesity and laziness, and celibacy, fasting and hard labor? ~Martin H. Fischer
Before I travelled my road I was my road. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin
Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. ~Author Unknown
Children ask better questions than adults. "May I have a cookie?" "Why is the sky blue?" and "What does a cow say?" are far more likely to elicit a cheerful response than "Where's your manuscript?" Why haven't you called?" and "Who's your lawyer?" ~Fran Lebowitz
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