Leash: n, a means by which animals, formerly running wild, are prevented from running tame, also. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
What is a face, really? Its own photo? Its make-up? Or is it a face as painted by such or such painter? That which is in front? Inside? Behind? And the rest? Doesn't everyone look at himself in his own particular way? Deformations simply do not exist. ~Pablo Picasso
We have, I fear, confused power with greatness. ~Stewart Udall
I am an invisible man.... I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids - and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. ~Ralph Ellison, The Invisible Man, 1952
Luxury is an ancient notion. There was once a Chinese mandarin who had himself wakened three times every morning simply for the pleasure of being told it was not yet time to get up. ~Argosy

No one ever really dies as long as they took the time to leave us with fond memories. ~Chris Sorensen
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden
The historian must serve two masters, the past and the present. ~Fritz Stern, The Varieties of History

Some places speak distinctly. Certain dank gardens cry aloud for a murder; certain old houses demand to be haunted; certain coasts are set apart for shipwrecks. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
If you have never said "Excuse me" to a parking meter or bashed your shins on a fireplug, you are probably wasting too much valuable reading time. ~Sherri Chasin Calvo

Whose indomitable spirit changed the face of the earth for us. ~Edmund Arthur Helps
Faith is never identical with piety. ~Karl Barth
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ~Will Rogers
For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth. ~Sanskrit Proverb

What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood. ~Aldous Huxley

I live my daydreams in music. ~Albert Einstein

I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution. ~Wernher von Braun

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do. ~Edmund Burke, Second Speech on Conciliation, 1775

The feminine mystique has succeeded in burying millions of American women alive. ~Betty Friedan
To speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. ~Ben Jonson
Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination. ~Voltaire
When a man has lost all happiness, he's not alive. Call him a breathing corpse. ~Sophocles
True nostalgia is an ephemeral composition of disjointed memories. ~Florence King
Armaments, universal debt and planned obsolescence - those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. ~Aldous Huxley, Island
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